a portfolio

Learning about A​RT

Art for beginners

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This is KANDI.

Search up the word plur.

Kandi is very ​popular. It is part ​of PLUR and ​rave ​communities. It ​is very addicting! ​Making these ​should pretty ​much explain ​itself. Put the ​beads on the ​string, tie it up, ​and wear it!

Body art

This can be ​intricate or ​very simple, ​like this ​example of a ​lollipop. The ​example used ​facepaint, but ​other options ​are fake ​tattoos and ​makeup. Go ​crazy!

Stickynote Art

This is my little ​party ghost. Just ​draw on a ​stickynote.

Ghost Silhouette Vector

Monstrosity art

Yes, that is ​eyeliner ​with ​lipgloss, ​tape and an ​eraser.

Jewel art

This uses cold wax ​bits to stick gems ​on an adhesive ​tape like ​lamination on a ​cute photo!

Yellow Textured Stamp Seahorse

That is all!